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Chain of Six Desires

By July 9, 2022April 15th, 2024No Comments

Ari-shad-nigada – A chain of six desires


Ari-shad-nigada is a series of events that explore desires of six different characters that happen to cross paths. 

Ari which stands for pain, Shad meaning six and nigada, the heavy chain used to tether elephants gives us glimpses of the six passions that take control of an individual at a given time in their lives. Kama (lust), krodha (hatred), lobha (greed), moha (attachment), mada (hubris) and matsarya ( jealousy) are elaborated in Indian belief system as the karmic bondages that cause cyclic birth and death patterns. 

Characters Zarina, Pavithra, Sunaina, Raiva, Devisha and Ajanta at different stages in their lives are met with one of the six passions and handle them very differently.  While some manage to break away from the bonds, some become prisoners of these devilish elements in-built in all of us.

  All these characters and situations are fictional and not meant to hurt or harm anyone, solely for entertainment purpose. 

I       Fiery fury of Krodha – burns in her

II     Ethereal sublimation of Loba – till death do us apart

III   Earthy bindings of Moha – the permanent guest

IV   Windy fanning of Kama – the deceptive beacon

V     Watercyclic patterns of Madha – the jingoistic matron

VI   Soupy opera of Matsarya – Quest of the next best



Dedicated to my mother and father.

Sincere thanks to my aunt Devi, my cousin Anita for being my beta readers and sharing their valuable inputs. Thanks to my father for designing cover of the book available in Amazon.