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Not in life , But in death

By January 10, 2021April 15th, 2024No Comments

Would I?

A soft whisper and a beautiful prayer

As your mesmerizing voice mumbles into my ears.

Would your words be the last I will ever hear?

Would they ?

An understanding grasp and a soothing caress

As your gentle hand strokes mine softly.

Would your bosom be my final resting place?

Would it?

The familiar cologne and your funny breath

As your closeness wafts in your being

Would I breathe you in as my last?

Would I ?

I don’t know , for…….

You were not there every day, as the rays trickled through

Warming up the room.

You were elsewhere as I dragged in a long breath

Commencing the day.

You did not share the soothing hymns

That enlivened the morn.

I never was the company at your morning tea

To discuss your daily plans.

Your palms never held mine

Nor did your lips kiss me good morn.

All my living years …. You wished you could, but you never did.

So would you at my death bed?

I don’t know if I would die with you beside me,

I wish I would.

Metaphorical interpretation.

Yama, Lord of Death and Dharma arrives to usher blessed souls from this material plane. As the soul struggles to let go of the body, recollecting one’s life, reminded suddenly of afterlife experiences, it beseeches Yama to accompany the last moments of life on Earth.

As one lives in pursuit of happiness and material riches, very often Dharma takes a back seat. So it is personified by Yama missing in action during one’s life. As life departs the body, senses start failing and the elements related to them slowly start disintegrating back into space.