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I’m hurt he said
I feel dead inside.
Life would have been wonderful,
Had you been by my side.
Could have changed for you,
Would have made compromises.
Could have made a family
Had we luck in the roll of dices.

I’m hurt he said,
Wish life was more benevolent to me;
A partner for life, whom I adored
As much as she loved me.
Strong and supporting, though
We would fight for our individuality
A daughter and a son we would beget
Together we would complete a happy family.

I’m hurt he said
To me, had you only opened up
Looked once into my eyes and
Your true feelings had fessed up.
Would have never let you go,
Waited even if you had to conquer first;
All those horrible things you endured,
Would have protected you from, hand and fist.

I’m hurt she now said
I know you think so, but
We could never be a pair,
Not in this lifetime, no way
No matter for each other how much we care.
You and I are too strong-willed
For us , to each other bear,
May be our love would have held us
But our egos I do fear.

I’m hurt she said
Look what has come about!
Friendship that blossomed withers away,
Love we shared is lost almost,
Yet a lingering care seems to stay.
You changed for your wife, you said
‘She molded me, but you chisel me perfect’
Yet, yin and yang that you idealized
Appear engaged in hell of a conflict.

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